第55章 1家亲
“I will run I will climb I will soar. I'm undefeated. Jumping out of my skin pull the chord. Yeah I believe it. The past is everything we were don't make us who we are. so I'll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars. It's not until you fall that you fly. When you dreams come alive you're unstoppable. take a shot chase the sun, find the beautiful. We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold. And we'll dream it possible ...Possible......” 一边开车一边听着音乐,一首《Dream It Possible》唱出了小舞的心声,这些年小舞一直有个梦,正在不停的追逐着,小舞发现自己离梦想越来越近。 越努力越幸运,这是不变的真理,自从叶秋离去後小舞豁然开朗。 以前的自己过於依赖叶秋,现在的自己肩扛重任,不得不努力,付出总是有收获的,现在自己的生活就