76 离成功只差那麽几分锺
书迷正在阅读:燃纸折翼、富家千金被渣男欺骗的yin堕、昧靥燃火、海王兄妹今天掉马了吗?(骨科)、竹马陪我练技术(sc 1v1 青梅竹马甜文)、在他心上撒野(久别重逢H)、性瘾症日常记录(1v1)、穿越街机游戏兽化格斗、晚风、陛下为奴
她献上一支快乐的曲子。 “I once knew a man Who owned a butcher shop He also had apartments To rent up on top But he didn't include on the sign That he painted "no pets" And the tenant who rented Had six hungry dogs he regrets But he said when things go wrong Just sing this song The birds in the trees Will sing harmony C'est La Vie ……” 允恩在沙发上认真听他们歌唱,被搞笑的歌词逗得在肚子里笑翻,心情像长了翅膀。 贫穷的Pierre夫人有22个孩纸,一只鸭子,两只山羊,全家住在垃圾桶,她被医生高兴地告知,又怀了双胞胎。 市长和他的太太在年度舞会上作荣誉退休演讲,他在说话时,打了个喷嚏,然後裤子被震掉了。 歌里都是倒霉蛋,糟糕的人生,郁闷的意外,但歌曲却欢快得不得了,像一百只百灵鸟,在枝头蹦蹦跳跳。 四个乐手唱完歌,祝