第266章 得知真相
??“这,你不需要知道”(Well, you don't need to know.) ??“那我问一句,璎姨,你给雪下药是为了更好报复夏家对吗?夏家之所以这麽快垮台,这背後少不了你的推波助澜吧?”(Then let me ask, aunt Ying, you drugged Xue in order to get revenge on the Xia family, right?The reason why the Xia family collapsed so quickly, this behind you can not add fuel to the flames, right?) ??“没错,你说的对。”上官璎儿迅速承认了。(Yeah, you're right.) ??“璎姨,你为什麽要报复夏家?不惜利用一直视你为母亲的雪,为什麽你要让雪记不起来之前的事?还有夕岚有什麽错,凭什麽要被你下K—gds,她还那麽小。”(Aunt Ying, why do you want to retaliate against Xia Jia? Don't hesitate to use the snow that always regards you as your mother. Why do you want the snow not to remember what happened before? And what's wrong with the evening haze, why should be