她加班,下次给她调休。” 一般说来管理层团队是不怎麽搞team building的,档次低了老大们看不上,档次高了又有浪费公司预算的嫌疑,不过余总新上任,某几个会来事的高层就提议低调地搞一次活动,也算是给新老板的welcome dinner。因此行程和地方是由HR和市场部一起安排的,小年秘书并未经手,仅仅知道有这麽个事。 当她次日早上到公司,看到如下邮件时,差点把电脑砸了。 “Hi Ben, I'd like to have Shane join our team building on this weekend as my direct reports to support on the arrangement. Could you pls loop her in and keep her informed of the details? Many tks. Hi Shane, Pls catch up with Ben. Tks. Regards Johann ” 在这封CEO发给市场部老大Ben、要他在周末团建里加上PA年小姐的邮件後面,