第26章 侍神之任
can admire them from a distance but should not handle them casually. I consider chrysanthemums to be reclusive flowers concealed among and flowers, while peonies represent prosperity and wealth. Lotus flowers, on the other hand, embody the traits of a noble person. ! The love for chrysanthemums is rarely heard of after Tao Yuanming. How many people, like myself, share an for lotus flowers? The for peonies, however, is surely a choice among many!” “周敦颐的《爱莲说》,您懂得太多了,您英文这麽好,我怎麽没遗传啊?”小雪说道。 “你是没有开窍,不是基因不好。”适彦君平静的看着小雪。 小雪从内心深处觉得爸爸太厉害了,什麽都会,上辈子是修了什麽福分,能做他的女儿? “做人就要做君子,做大公无私,能造福他人的人,不要自私自利,小肚鸡肠。懂吗,小雪?”适彦君说着